We Are Rose City


Join as: Adult Skater | Junior Skater | Transfer Skater | Official

Upcoming Juniors Events:

Junior Derby Discover Day – FREE – Feb. 23rd

Junior Spring Break Camp – Ages 7-12 –  March 24-28

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 7-11 – June 16-20 – Beginner

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 7-18 – June 23-27 – Beginner

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 12-18 – July 7-11 – Intermediate

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 7-11 – July 14-18 – Beginner

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 7-11 – July 21-25 – Intermediate/Advanced 

Junior Summer Camp – Ages 12-18 – August 4-8 – Advanced

Our Junior Program lets youth skaters start their derby journey at their own pace! Your budding skater will learn derby skills and meet this rad community! No experience or knowledge is required! Rental skates and gear are available via our Rent N Roll gear-lending library, making it easier than ever to give roller derby a try.

Upcoming Adult Intro Series:

4-Week Adult Intro to Derby Series: Saturdays, 8 – 10 am (3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/12 – no practice on 4/5)

Ready to start your derby journey?! The next Adult Intro to Derby Series begins March 15th! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, and even provide the rental skates and gear! 


Upcoming Orientations for Transfer Skaters:

Contact transfer@rosecityrollers.com for individual onboarding and orientation for skaters transferring from another city/league.


Join the fun at all skill levels! Starting at just seven years old, skaters who identify with the WFTDA Gender statement are invited to join. From never-been-on-skates to experienced All Stars, from recreational to competitive, Rose City Rollers has a program for everyone.

If you’re from another league and you’d like to just skate as a guest, scroll down to FAQ’s.

Meet Rocket Mean, Rose City Rollers founder and Executive Director. She would like to welcome you to RCR!

Access and Equity

RCR is committed to keeping derby accessible.

Scholarships for membership dues:

We offer scholarships to any junior skater (age 7-17) whose family is eligible for free/reduced school lunch as defined by the Portland Public School system. We also offer limited scholarships to adults who have been with the league for at least 6 months.


Made possible by grants from a variety of organizations including the Nike Community Impact Fund, The Oregon Community Foundation and the Multnomah Athletic Foundation, the Rose City Rollers are proud to present the world’s first comprehensive derby gear lending and rental library featuring Riedell SkatesS1 Helmets, and Triple 8 Pads. Rent n’ Roll is available to use for all skaters at no additional cost.

Joining beyond playing derby

Rose City Rollers is always recruiting volunteers of all genders. Learn more here. We have many opportunities to get involved for those who don’t want to skate but want to be a part or our community.


Rose City Rollers is always recruiting officials of all genders! We have opportunities for both Skating and Non-Skating Officials. Officials are essential for ensuring safety and fair play during a bout. Skating Officials wear roller skates during practice and bouts. They fill multiple positions in a bout or scrimmage, and are staffed by volunteers. Non-Skating Officials are the backbone of any officials crew.  As the name implies, NSOs take on the officiating positions that don’t involve being on-skates.  NSOs fill multiple positions within a bout or scrimmage and are staffed by volunteers. Learn more about joining our Officials program here!


Q: What does this orientation process look like?
A: Sign up for our 4-week Intro to Derby series, a Day Camp, or a Week-long Camp. These are a great way to try out derby before committing to a membership. After, you will be invited to a Zoom call to learn about becoming a full member.

Once a member, we’ll send you all the practice options available to you at this time.

Q: I’m from another league and I’d like to guest skate – how can I do that?
A: If you’d like to guest skate with RCR, please contact athletics@rosecityrollers.com with the dates you’d like to skate, a description of your derby experience, your home league, and confirmation that you identify with the WFTDA gender statement.

Q: How much are dues?
A: $65/month for all members.

Q: Do I need insurance?
A: We strongly recommend primary insurance for all skaters. Adults are required to purchase an additional insurance policy through the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) for $75/year. Juniors pay $35/year through the Junior Roller Derby Association (JRDA). More info on both during orientation.

Q: I’ve never skated before – is that okay?
A: Yes! You can learn! All you need is patience and commitment and we can help with the rest.

Q: I’m a current derby skater – do I still need to do the orientation?
A: Yes! The orientation is mandatory for all skaters in our league. Depending on your level of experience, you will start at a different practice, but not with a different process. We are prepared to welcome you, regardless of your skating level. Email transfer@rosecityrollers.com to get started.

Q: I know I can’t borrow a mouthguard, and I need one to play. Where can I get one?
A: You can get one at the Hangar when you join us or you can get it at Five Stride or Oaks Park (links below).

Q: I know I can borrow yours, but where could I buy derby gear?
A: Oaks Park Skate Shop (RCR members receive a 10% discount!) or Five Stride Skate Shop