We Are Rose City

Book Skatemobile

✨Party with Rose City Rollers!✨


Our Skatemobile is fully stocked and ready to make any flat surface your personal skating rink! Starting at $650, bring the party to you!

Book the Hangar!

Need a venue for your big event or want to host a unique company outing? With Hangar events starting at $500, we’ve got just the place!

2024 Price Sheet


Skatemobile is perfect for community events, schools and private parties. This program is set up to be self-sustaining by hosting a balance of free community events benefitting Portland’s BIPOC and economically depressed communities and paid events. All events follow current local COVID guidelines.

Private Parties costs are scalable and start at $650.

Ready to book us? Click here!

Join Us in the Community 

For pop-up skating events, Portlanders can visit our Schedule to see where Skatemobile will be this summer!

At Schools 

Rose City Rollers are partnering with Active Children Portland to pilot an on-site after school skating/derby 101 program funded by grants from the Oregon Community Foundation and other partners. We also invite schools and PTAs to reach about scheduling paid skate parties and classes.

At House Parties  

You provide the flat surface and excited friends, we’ll bring Skatemobile. In addition to safely providing skates and protective gear, we can bring the DJ, skate instructors, and activities. We’ll tailor your party to suit any vibe, whether focused on boogying to classic jams or including traditional roller rink elements like the Hokey Pokey and Red Light/Green Light.

At the Office 

If your business is looking for a new way to give back to your employees or do team bonding, consider partnering with the World Champions of Roller Derby. RCR’s dynamic coaching staff will be there to provide a safe and exhilarating experience for all.

What Is The Rose City Rollers Hangar?

Our 12,000 square foot space boasts not one, but 2 massive roll up doors to keep fresh air flowing. We have plenty of daytime parking, a full bar, and are AV capable for your team building event or party. On and Off Skates games are ready to add to the mix as requested, for some coached Roller Derby focused fun!

Viewing Parties start at $500 for 15 people

Packages are scalable starting at $700 for up to 30 Skaters.

Each additional attendee is $35

Please note we have practices and events most evenings and weekends which means that planning Hangar events may require flexibility with timing.


Ready to book your event? Fill out the form below!

Feel free to ask questions, tell us your vision, party size, location – any details you have and we’ll create a customized event perfect for you!