20 Years Together


Rose City Rollers (RCR) welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with private & public agencies and organizations when doing so supports our mission and is mutually beneficial. We value our partners and the role they play in building the capacity of our organization and extending our service to the local community.

Prospective partners are asked to complete this Community Partner Application.

**PLEASE NOTE** Requests are reviewed on the first week of each month. Event partnerships will only be considered if the event is at least three months out. As a 501c3 nonprofit largely run by volunteers, our resources are limited. We prioritize those with a good fit for our mission who support similar populations and whose partnerships focus on us giving time and exposure over a financial contribution.

*Organizations looking for a donation of tickets or merch for their fundraiser/event, please click here.
*Organizations or businesses looking for sponsorship opportunities, please visit our sponsorship page here.

Partnership Types

  • Affiliation — Partners form a loosely connected relationship with RCR around similar interests. Examples include other sports organizations, women and girls’ empowerment, schools, health systems.
  • Collaborative — Partners work with RCR to achieve goals and objectives articulated by our strategic plan as well as mutually agreed-upon objectives. Includes partners who seek to be in-venue with RCR.
  • Event Partnership — A partner works with RCR on a one-time event or project of mutual interest and benefit. RCR would physically have a role at the event. Examples include RCR at a walk, gala, or beach clean-up.
  • Funding — A partner works with RCR to fund a program or project of mutual interest and benefit. This type of partnership may also be a combined effort to not only seek funding for, but also to develop and implement a program or project. For example, another organization partners with RCR to create free or low-cost after-school roller derby programming that requires both organizations to work together to create, operate, and solicit funding for the program.
  • Media — There are many creative options for media partnerships, but all should benefit both RCR and the partner. Possibilities include a well-established media outlet donating free media to RCR as an in-kind gift/community service, trade advertising in which RCR advertises at our events for an organization that advertises for us at their events, a production company discounts their service to us in exchange for RCR promoting their services to other leagues.
  • Programming — The partner and RCR share the launch and management of one or more programs. Organizations involved in joint programming share decision-making powers for the program while maintaining their independence in managing their own programs. This type of partnership does not involve fundraising. Examples include hosting summer camp for another organization, discount for members of a partner organization to join RCR, baby and mom roller skating during a time our facility is typically unused
  • Sponsorship — A business provides RCR monetary or trade support in order to obtain positive publicity through brand alignment and event exposure. RCR approves sponsors on a case-by-case basis, based on brand alignment and available sponsorship packages. Click here for sponsorship details or to pursue a sponsorship arrangement.