
#24 (he/him)

Home state: Maryland

Human purpose: To create safe places for people, so that they can live fulfilling lives.

Hobbies: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt, rhythm/dance roller skating, baking breads and pastries with my skates on, physical fitness, and learning new things by failing over and over again.

Languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese.

Derby name origin: My superpower is recovering from injuries and I’m an amateur baker.

Sample set of weird things about me: I’ve never been a coffee drinker, I love wine and don’t really care for beer, and I think stuffed animal puppets are amazing.

How I found RCR: My daughter became a home team skater after discovering her blood type is “derby.”

Favorite thing about RCR: Everyone is welcomed, loved, and celebrated for being exactly who they are.

Why I officiate: Many derby athletes identify themselves as members of marginalized communities and it is both my privilege and human duty to serve those who have less privilege than me.