Pearl Jim

#10 he/him

Carpe Derby~!

Hometown: Nowhere & everywhere, omnipresence from an early age. Living in the PNW since mid-2015, finally here where I belonged all along.

Human Purpose: To personally do the best I can each and every day at making the world a better place, feeling good about the good stuff and feeling bad about the bad stuff.

Hobbies: Skiing, Hiking, Camping, Paddle-boarding, Playing many musical instruments poorly, Cooking, Composting, Traveling, Reading, and Raging against the machine.

Sports: Former high-level Rugby Player (now suffering the aches & pains that I was so sure I’d never have). In-Line skating, Football, Baseball, Skiing, Snowboarding, Backpacking, Running, Biking.

Derby Name Origin: The 90’s are near & dear to my heart, so moving to the PNW, wearing cargo shorts and flannel has always been a life-goal. Having seen Pearl Jam in concert over 30 times made choosing my Derby Name pretty easy. Besides, no way was I choosing “Smells like old man spirit”.

How I became an Official: My kid was so excited to join RCR as a Rosebud and through constant badgering and guilt trips over 2 years I finally decided to lace up some quads and give it a try, immediately learning that it’s not nearly as easy as I thought. Mad respect for all skaters, I am inspired each and every day.

Favorite thing about RCR: 100% The Community. No sport I have ever played or watched has the level of community caring that I see everyday at RCR. It is hands-down the coolest part of Roller Derby. People being good humans to each other and not only making space for everyone, but actively encouraging everyone to be themselves. That kind of thing can change the world and I’m lucky to be here for it.

Thing to know about me: I am here to help. That is ALWAYS my motivation.

Other things about me: Married with kids (2), I am also owned by 2 cats that I absolutely said we were not going to get. I have been to every continent except one. I met Muhammed Ali. My favorite food is Mediterranean. If I had my way, I would prefer the world to speak only in Movie & TV Show quotes and Song Lyrics, so…… “Peeaace Ouutttt!” – Smokey