
#617 skater
  • Year started skating – I started derby in 2015, and I started skating in the early 90s. I spent a lot of time at Roll-On America as a kid.

  • Nickname(s) – Stompers. Stomperoni and Meatballs.

  • Real life job – I build and fix roller skates at Five Stride

  • What brought you to roller derby? – I saw the movie Whip It in 2009 and decided that I also wanted to hit my friends for fun. I joined a league for a few months in 2010 but I had little babies, so I had to stop for a while. I kept having roller derby dreams and eventually rejoined. This is my 6th, and hopefully last, league.

  • Which of your teammates makes you laugh the most? – Definitely Ripley. She’s not trying to be funny, which makes her even funnier. It’s not even what she says, it’s how she says it. Hilarious. HILARIOUS.


#617 Skater