10/31: SLAY Horror Film Festival, presented by Portland Mercury and the Rose City Rollers

Join the Portland Mercury and Rose City Rollers for an evening of SPOOKY movie magic under the stars! Weds October 28th – Saturday October 31st we will be screening SLAY as a doubleheader event.

SLAY is a horror film festival featuring short, deliciously TERRIFYING flicks, coming to you from the makers of HUMP! and SPLIFF, who asked artists, filmmakers, and generally bored people to make short, eight-minute-or-less horror flicks. Did they ever deliver! Out of hundreds of submissions from all over the Northwest and the world, they’ve chosen 32 of the spookiest entries.

There were actually so many good entries, that SLAY is broken into two volumes – you can watch just one, or if you really want to be scared witless, WATCH BOTH for a discount!

After the screening, you’ll even be able to vote on the best flicks in four categories: “Goriest,” “Funniest,” “Scariest,” and “Best in Show.” Plus all finalists will share the revenue from SLAY, which means you’ll be helping support these talented artists and filmmakers!

Hit the ticketing link to snag yours today 👻


  • 6pm entry to Parking, Beer Garden, and Food concessions for SLAY Vol. 1, screening 7:30-8:45
  • 9pm entry to Parking, Beer Garden, and Food concessions for SLAY Vol. 2, screening 9:30-10:45
  • Tickets are sold online in advance only.
  • Standard/SUV size vehicles only. (No Campers)
  • Tickets are limited– only 55 cars per show



All audio will be broadcast through an FM transmitter and our stereo surround sound (weather permitting). Viewers are required to tune in via car radio if the weather is inclement and we are not able to run the speakers. All screenings will be experienced from inside your vehicle, or from designated distanced seating in the beer garden.

The health and safety of our attendees and staff is our absolute priority. Guests MUST stay in their vehicles except when visiting the beer garden, concessions, or the Porta Potty.

RCR has transformed the face of their iconic venue, The Hangar (located at 7805 SE Oaks Park Way), into a 15 foot tall DIY movie screen for your viewing pleasure. Many thanks to Epson for their generous donation of a projector, Horne Audio for the use of cables, and our friend/sound tech DJ Agent Meow for making this possible!

October 31, 2020

6pm entry for Vol. 1, screening @ 7:30 // 9pm entry for Vol. 2, screening @ 9:30

6:00 pm—10:45 pm

Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park
SE Oaks Park Way
Portland, OR 97202