Kombucha Making Class with RCR Skater and Plow Stop Bartender Chel

Happy Hour Kombucha Making Class with RCR Skater and Plow Stop Bartender Chel!

Join us Friday May 8th on Zoom, 5:30pm – hope to see you there.

Kombucha starting basics! Items needed – sugar, water, black or green tea, and kombucha starter liquid and SCOBY. Ability to boil water plus a non-metal vessel for the kombucha to hang out in for 1-2 weeks. Scoby’s can be ordered online, but for our local RCR community, Chel can provide scobies for up to at least 10 people (porch delivery/pickup).


May 08, 2020

5:30 pm—6:30 pm