Join us this weekend for the premier of Outdoor Skating at Oaks Park, with rental gear available via our very own SKATEMOBILE!
This is an awesome opportunity to get some socially distanced, open air fun. RCR’s Skatemobile is packed with rental skates, helmets and pads – or you can bring your own skates and gear. Get ready for a great time!
Because it’s COVID – read ALL the details…
What To Expect
- Your 2-hour time slot includes parking, gearing up, skating, gearing down, and exiting so being on time is important!
- Skate, helmets, and protective pads are included in price. **We have helmets for your use, but you are encouraged to bring your own helmet for ease of fitting.**
- You can skate all over Oaks – parking lots, the midway around the rides!!!
- We will announce when there is 15 minutes left of the skate session.
- $5 parking fee – each car must pay this is advance (select the option on our ticketing page)
- $15 for event entry, includes skates and gear
- $7 for park entry for non-RCR skaters with their own gear, or non skaters (you can also walk the midway if you’d like!). If you decide to gear up, we can sell you a rental set up for an additional $13 once you arrive at the park.
Safety Protocol
- 25 people TOTAL allowed in Oaks Park during skate times
- Kids under 14 and under MUST be accompanied by a skating or non-skating adult
- Kids 15 – 18 years old can be dropped off, but a waiver must be signed in advance.
- Parents can wait in their car and not be counted as part of 25
- Masks and social distancing are required
- Bathrooms will be sanitized after each use
- You can bring water and snacks, but no smoking or consumption of alcohol is permitted
Please make sure to read the legal terms on our ticketing page and sign the waiver at least 24 hours before arriving!