Junior Derby Spring Break Camp 2023!

Join us on the track for a week of Junior Roller Derby Camp!

Welcome to Rose City Rollers Junior Derby Spring Break Camp! We are so glad you are here. This spring break send your skater to us so they can practice their derby skills with a mixed group of skaters and have some fun together at the Hangar.

In this camp, your skater will switch between skating and off-skate activities throughout the day. Portland’s very own SCRAP will be providing craft kits for unique and environmentally sustainable off-skates fun!

WHEN: Monday 3/27 – Friday 3/31 9am-3pm daily

WHERE:  The Hangar @ Oaks Park 

COST: $275 – non-members // $250 – members of RCR


Who is this program for?

  • Skaters aged 7-12 and are
    • Able to stand on skates unassisted.
    • Get up from a fall without help.
  • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19

What you’ll need:

  • Skates, Pads, Helmet – Don’t have your own? No sweat! Our gear lending library has you covered and loaners are included in your reservation for the program – just make sure to fill out your gear section of the registration.  Have your own? Even better! You’ll need a low boot. High boot or in-line skates won’t work. Helmet should be rated for multi-impact. A bike helmet is not suitable for derby.
  • Mouthguard – Sisu is our preferred brand because it can be remolded, they can be purchased online or at Five Stride Skate Shop. We have a non-moldable kind for a $5 add on charge.
  • Sack Lunch – Please plan to pack a lunch for your youth for the first 4 days of camp. We will provide snacks all week and lunch on the final camp date 3/31.
  • Water bottle – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

What we will provide:

  • Gear – We will provide all necessary gear if needed. 
  • Snacks – We’ll make sure the skaters are fed and having fun.


Looking forward to seeing you on the track!

March 27, 2023
March 31, 2023

Monday - Friday, 9:30am-3:00pm daily

9:00 am—3:00 pm

Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park
SE Oaks Park Way
Portland, OR 97202