Southwest Portland Sunday Parkways – September 22, 2024
We’re excited to bring Skatemobile to Sunday Parkways again this year! Join us and celebrate World Car-Free Day and open streets during the SW Portland Sunday Parkways event presented by Kaiser Permanente on September 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.!
Skatemobile is our mobile skate rental truck equipped with 150 pairs of skates for all ages to enjoy! Rental skates and gear will be available free of charge from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Multnomah Arts Center!
Southwest Portland route

More About the Event 👇
Event program & features
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Gabriel Park
- Meet at White Cane Safety booth next to info booth at 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. for a ½ mile walk with white cane and guide dog users to learn about their navigation and safety techniques.
11:00-12:15 Bridgetown Sound, Men’s A Cappella Group
12:15-1:30 The Rezurectors, Bluegrass Rock
1:30-2:45 Reckless Daughter, Joni Mitchell Tribute Band
2:45-4:00 Chris Baron and Two Secrets, Singer-songwriter
Multnomah Village
- Adaptive BIKETOWN will be displaying a sample of bicycles specifically engineered to cater to anyone who is not comfortable with traditional two-wheeled bicycles
- Look for bike karaoke sign-up hosted by NakedHeartsPDXand their heart-shaped bike trailer set up next to the info booth on SW Capitol Highway between SW 33 and 34 avenues!
Multnomah Arts Center
- Faster, Farther, Funnn! Experience the wow factor of modern electric bikes with River City E-Bikes. Test ride E-City, E-Cargo and E-Gravel models in the Multnomah Arts Center parking lot.
- Rose City Rollers and the Skatemobile, a mobile skate rental truck equipped with 150 pairs of skates for all ages to enjoy free of charge from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Entertainment Stage 11:00 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Zumba with Portland Parks & Recreation
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Every Body Athletics, Inclusive Fitness
1:40 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Zumba with Portland Parks & Recreation
2:40-3:40 p.m. DJ Prashant, Bollywood Dance
Spring Garden Park
- Enjoy some groovy tunes with DJ Doc Rock
Along the Route
- Keep your eyes out for Erik the Magician – he’ll be skating around while performing street magic!
- Join SW Trails for a guided walk along the 1.5-mile walking route as you explore the neighborhood. Depart from Spring Garden info booth at 11:30 a.m., Depart from Multnomah Village SW Capitol Hwy & 36 Ave info booth at 12:30, Depart from Gabriel Park info booth at 1:15 p.m., Depart from Multnomah Village SW Capitol Hwy & 36 Ave info booth at 2:00 p.m.
At each featured stop:
- Free Entertainment & Activities – Whether you’re new to biking or just love soaking up the sun outdoors, each park hosts a variety of free family-friendly activities and live entertainment.
- Vendor Marketplace – Each park includes a vendor marketplace featuring local businesses, food vendors, sponsors, and community organizations. Help us keep everyone safe by walking through the vendor marketplace as it can get congested.
- Quick Fix Bike Repair – A local bike shop provides free basic bike repair services during the event.
- Information Booth – Stop by for an event brochure, first aid services, water station, or lost and found. You can also receive a vintage Sunday Parkways shirt by donating to this program ($5 minimum).
- Seating Area – Kick back and relax or enjoy some food at the seating area which provides tables and chairs.
- Bike Parking – Bike racks are available at each featured park.
- ADA Park Entrances – Either permanent or temporary, ADA ramp entrances are available at each featured stop.
- Restrooms – Portable restrooms, including ADA units, are available at each featured park.
Food Vendors
Gabriel Park
CeCe’s Gyros, Fifty Licks Ice Cream, Little Bear Vietnamese Street Food, Nacheaux, Pomo Snow Cones & Cotton Candy, Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee of Rose City
Multnomah Village
Altengartz LLC, Dano’s Dogs, Kate’s Ice Cream, Kilo D’Cofi, Midnight Baking Club, Two Wahine’s Shave Ice, Via Chicago, Wild Roots Farmacy
Multnomah Arts Center
Dairy Hill Ice Cream
Spring Garden Park
Beirut Cafe, Ben & Jerry’s, Kona Ice North Clackamas Inc, Pidgin Hole, Superbowl PDX
Visit Kaiser Permanente Booths at each park
- Stop by any of the Kaiser Permanente booths located at the four featured stops to pick up a special event map.
- Travel to each Kaiser Permanente booth located at each featured stop to participate in the activity and receive a sticker for your special event map. 
- Bring your completed special event map to any Kaiser Permanente booth to receive a prize!
Learn more information by visitingKaiser Permanente’s website.
Getting to the event
Whether you choose to bike, walk, roll, or take public transportation, getting to the event is part of the fun! Let the excitement build with each step or pedal stroke getting you closer to the Sunday Parkways event. Below are some resources to help plan your trip.
By bike
For those of you riding your bike, take a look at the Portland By Cycle’s Citywide Bike Map. It will direct you to the route via neighborhood greenways and the least-congested arteries. And you don’t even need to own a bike! Sign up with BIKETOWN and you’ll have access to the city’s fleet of electric-assist bicycles. You even have the option to leave the BIKETOWN bike at the event and take TriMet home!
By transit
Prepare for re-routes: TriMet buses #44 and #45 will observe a re-route during the event, starting at 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. You can review these re-routes on the above map graphic located in the “Southwest Portland Route” section.
By scooter
Portland has shared scooter programs that you can access from your phone and pay by the minute to use.
Features along the route
Spend the day playing in a park at Sunday Parkways!
Portland Parks and Recreation believes that sustaining a healthy park and recreation system makes Portland a great place to live, work, and play. Portland Sunday Parkways is an excellent way to get to know our Portland city parks. Whether you are coming in from another corner of town or simply enjoying the car-free atmosphere of Portland Sunday Parkways in your neighborhood, you’re sure to find something new!
The Southwest route will feature the following parks. Click on the specific park’s link for information about facilities, accessibility, picnic permits, and more. Be advised that most of the parking lots will not be available to park in during the event.