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Gold Star Volunteer August 2017: sHellCat

Shelley (sHellCat) McPeek, NSO, RCR Board member, and all around bad ass derby enthusiast is this month’s Gold Star volunteer award winner. Her dedication and excitement for this sport has followed her through participation in two other leagues and found a home here in Portland with the Rose City Rollers. Her first encounter with RCR was an impromptu invitation to come and NSO at an exhibition being held in Pioneer Square, something she thought was crazy and fun. She doesn’t foresee not being a part of derby world anytime soon, with the ever-changing sport and it makes her passion of being a lifelong learner continue.

Do you have any favorite officials?

Favorite official – Danger Muffin (from Bay Area Derby). He was one of my first derby mentors when I started officiating and I credit him with helping me be as successful as I have been in the community at large. Derby officiating is still at least partly politics, and he made sure I had the right skills AND met the right people. Plus he’s an absolutely delightful human.

How does it feel to be a Gold Star Award for Excellence in Volunteering winner?

It’s absolutely awesome to be awarded the Gold Star Volunteer award! I put a lot into derby and into Rose City and it’s a huge honor to be recognized for that. All of our officials work very hard and sometimes it’s thankless…this goes a long way (I hope for all of us).

Any suggestions for new volunteers or those considering volunteering with RCR?

For folks considering joining RCR – don’t overcommit, but DO come join us! Derby is an amazing community and we all want to share it with everyone. We love new friends, but I would caution that if you aren’t careful with your time you’ll realize you’re doing five different things in the league and your dog has forgotten what you look like. Take it slow and get to know the league, find your tribe within the tribe, then dive in!

Interview by: Natalie Williams

Photo credit: Dave Wood