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Gold Star Volunteer February 2017: Social Lies

This month our Gold Star Award goes to Social Lies! New RCR blogger, Natalie Williams sat down with Social Lies. Here is what she learned!

Have you ever fell in love with something so completely and quickly that you felt the need to get involved as soon as you possibly could? Of course you did, because you fell in love with roller derby that exact way. And so did Tyson Leggate. He fell in love so deeply with this intense sport, that he became a non-skating official nearly four years ago. Known to most as Social Lies, you can see Tyson sitting with the announcers in the Hangar, watching, writing, loving, and enjoying.

Social Lies loves this sport for its fast pace intensity that never seems to stop. He holds it akin to another beloved sport of his, hockey. These are sports that you can never take your eyes off of for a second because you might miss something great and he doesn’t want to miss a thing. Tyson doesn’t just love this sport, but he loves the league, the teams, the “awed sense of community”, and this collection of misfits. He can describe to you the exact moment, the game, and the opposing team for when he fell head over heels for this high speed sport.

Tyson is receiving the Gold Star Volunteer Award, not just for his amazing scribe skills as a non-skating official, but also for his amazing dedication and attention to detail. He has compiled a beautiful living document that he continually updates for the league. It is a statistical report of the teams and skaters, ranked by wins, jams, and whatever else he has deemed worthy of note. He says he enjoys trying to make sense of the madness. Don’t we all?