Summer Camp 3- Ages 12-18- Intermediate

Join the Rose City Rollers on the track for a week of Junior Roller Derby Summer Camp!

At Roller Derby Summer Camp, campers spend the day having fun both on skates and off, learning derby skills and strategy, and awesome arts and crafts activities! Make friends, build confidence, and have fun with Rose City Rollers!

This week of camp is open to youth skaters ages 12-18, all genders, skating at an intermediate skill level.

July 7th – July 11th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM daily


Camp Skill Levels

  • Beginner = has never been on roller skates before OR has some roller skating experience; minimal derby experience
  • Intermediate = roller skates regularly, can plow stop, may have attended a week of camp before; some derby experience (either at a week-long camp or within the league)
  • Advanced = current roller derby player; at minimum, has some bout or scrimmage experience


  • $350 for general public (non-RCR members)
  • $300 for current RCR members

*Limited scholarships are available for families who meet certain income criteria. Any household who meets eligibility for reduced or free lunches in the state of Oregon, based on this data, is eligible for a scholarship. Please email to apply.

What We Provide:

  • Gear – We will provide all necessary gear if needed, thanks to our Rent N Roll gear-lending library!
  • Snacks - We’ll make sure the skaters are fed and having fun.

What You’ll Need:

  • Skates, Pads, Helmet - Don’t have your own? No sweat! Our gear lending library has you covered and loaners are included in your reservation for the program – just make sure to fill out your gear section of the registration.  Have your own? Even better! Helmet should be rated for multi-impact. A bike helmet is not suitable for derby.
  • Mouthguard - Sisu is our preferred brand because it can be remolded, you can purchase one online or at Five Stride Skate Shop. We also offer the non-moldable kind for free.
  • Water bottle - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. There’s no A/C in the Hangar, so prepare your skater accordingly.
  • Lunch – Please send your skater to camp with a packed lunch.

We look forward to seeing you on the track!

July 07, 2025
July 11, 2025

9 AM - 3 PM daily

Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park
SE Oaks Park Way
Portland, OR 97202